
Spring’s best in these two recipes

The asparagus and strawberry season is in full swing, and we’ve brought you two ingeniously delicious, showy, yet easy-to-make recipes. You need nothing more than a handful of seasonal ingredients and the cooking can get started!

The asparagus and strawberry season is in full swing, and we’ve brought you two ingeniously delicious, showy, yet easy-to-make recipes. You need nothing more than a handful of seasonal ingredients and the cooking can get started. The chefs of Société Budapest, Zsolt Haraszti and Ferenc Vass, prepared the two dishes in a live video in Zsolt's kitchen from home, which you can watch on Nosalty's Instagram page.


Green asparagus with hollandaise sauce, Mangalica ham, and 6-minute eggs.

In this starter, we pour on the crispy asparagus, juicy Mangalica ham and a six-minute egg some creamy Dutch sauce, which is easier to make than you might think ... The result is not only beautiful when served, but so delicious that you’ll receive tonnes of accolades for this plate.


  • 500gr Green asparagus
  • 4 eggs
  • 100gr Mangalica ham
  • 150gr Butter
  • 4 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon elder vinegar
  • 4 tablespoon Water
  • Salt pepper
  • chive

Clean and peel the asparagus, then place it into boiling water with baking soda for 1 minute and cool immediately after. Cut as desired, add elder vinegar, and put it in the refrigerator until served. Prepare the six-minute eggs: place the eggs in boiling salted water for six minutes. When the time is over, cool immediately in ice-cold water.

Hollandaise sauce: first heat the butter – while melting, place a bowl over steam and add water, vinegar, and the egg yolks. Mix them until it gets creamy and then slowly add butter. Season with salt and pepper.

When serving, place the marinated asparagus in a circle. Place and egg and the ham in the middle and pour it down with Hollandaise sauce. Finally, garnish with cut chives.


Duck breast with salted strawberries, wild broccoli and toasted-buttered almonds

A well-prepared duck breast is a divine dish in itself, but we now serve it with the biggest favorite of the season, strawberries and some broccoli. Oh, and toasted- buttered almonds is one of the best things that can happen in a kitchen - give it a try!


  • 1kg Duck breast
  • 400gr Wild broccoli
  • 500gr Strawberries
  • 100gr Sliced almonds
  • 100gr Butter
  • Sushi vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • Salt, pepper

Peel the broccoli at the end of the stalk, then boil it for two minutes in salted water with baking soda. When time is up, cool immediately. Wash the strawberries and cut them as desired. Place in a bowl and season with sushi vinegar, salt and pepper, then refrigerate until serving.

Stack the sliced almonds in melted butter and roast until golden brown with a pinch of salt. When it gets a nice brown color, filter it and place it on a kitchen paper towel and let it dry. Roast the duck breast in a hot pan on its skin - it’s important to remove the fat so it always roasts dry. When the skin gets golden brown, turn it over and place in the oven for 8-10 minutes or until 48-50 degrees core heat is reached. Let it rest for 10 minutes. Put the broccoli back into a pan and reheat in olive oil right before serving.

Serving: Place the broccoli on a plate, then the toasted almonds, add the strawberries, and finally the crispy duck breast on top.

Absolut Elyx month – four exciting new cocktails at Société Bar

As part of our Absolut Elyx Month, we’ve created four exciting new cocktails, each based on a classic recipe, but the end result is quite different from the usual flavors.

We have plenty of reasons to love Absolut Elyx vodka: it’s a velvety, luxurious quality vodka that can be the perfect base for many cocktails. It’s also special for one reason: every drop of Absolut Elyx is made from winter wheat grown on a single farm in southern Sweden. The climate of the area is characterized by dry, cold winters and long summers, ideal for the wheat. The result of the careful hand-operated distillation is a luxury vodka of ultimate character and taste that is often used by our bartenders too.


As part of our Absolut Elyx Month, we've created four exciting new cocktails, each based on a recipe of a classic drink, but the end result is quite different from the usual flavors. Thousands of liqueurs, bitters, juices, and flavors exist, so the number of cocktails that can be created is almost infinite.  But how is a new cocktail born? The answer: always start off from a basic, classic drink.


Classic cocktails like martini and margarita are based on simple, easy-to-learn principles that have stood the test of time for years. For example, we know that gin and dry vermouth are the basis of the classic martini. But this is where the birth of a new signature beverage can begin, as these ingredients are not carved in stone. With the same measures in mind, we just swap a couple of ingredients for something similar - or, if we are braver, something completely different - and here we are with a new signature cocktail.


In recent weeks, Zsolt Tarjányi, manager of Société Bar, Réka Horváth, Máté Tüdős and Gergely Piller, have been working on to create a new signature cocktail, based on their favorite classic drink. Only one element was fixed: the Absolut Elyx vodka. Reka's drink was based on Bloody Mary, for example. This is the drink we all know really well: we already tried really good ones, bad ones, too spicy or just fine Bloody Marys, but not this one: the name "Same same but different" perfectly fits what it promises. In fact, it’s a perfect Bloody Mary with just as many twists to break from the well-known flavor combinations. The fusion of Absolut Elyx, Lapsang, Pedro Ximenez, Chili and Tomato is a drink that even appeals to our appetite.



Zsolt Tarjányi recreated his classic vodka soda in "No More Skinny Bitch", which was born from Absolut Elyx, Ginger, Carnation and Royal Bliss Yuzu Sensation. The result is an amazingly refreshing beverage that would fit perfectly on any signature drink menu. If you love it as much as we do, we will keep it!



The following cocktail is not just reminiscent of summer, but summer itself: „Absolutely (X)” Máté’s creation, and the base was vodka tonic. Luckily, Máté’s creativity is limitless, and he continued to re-think this otherwise great classic favorite with Absolut Elyx, lychee, elderberry, vanilla and tonic. Plus, if a cocktail is so delicious in the look too, it's really a hit.



Who wouldn’t like fragrant herbs? „Thyme of my life” tells you that this green spice plays an important role here: Gergő's exotic-tasting cocktail combines apricot, vanilla, egg, thyme and Absolut Elyx, resulting in beautiful harmony. It’s truly a perfect cocktail at any time of the year. Now, the only question is which one will be your favorite - come and try all four in March at the Société Bar!


Zsolt Haraszti, sous chef of Société Budapest finished third at the Bocuse d’Or Hungary finals

On February 5, 2020, after huge preparations, the final of Bocuse d’Or Hungary took place in Hungexpo’s Pavilion “A”, competing for the representation in the Bocuse d’Or Europe 2020 final.

On February 5, 2020, after huge preparations, the final of Bocuse d'Or Hungary took place in Hungexpo's Pavilion "A", competing for the representation in the Bocuse d'Or Europe 2020 final. Zsolt Haraszti and his commis, Patrik Kocsis, finished third and also won the "Best Team work" and "Best Meat Plate" prize.

As Zoltán Hamvas, president of the Hungarian Bocuse d'Or Academy put it, "Bocuse d'Or - the most important competition in the world of gastronomy - has always been associated with sophistication, precision and creativity". With strict regulations covering every detail, the chefs had to prepare plates that would be a staple even at the world's top restaurants.
For long weeks before the competition, Zsolt and Patrik could practice in a separate kitchen at Société Budapest, focused on the task in a great mood. The fresh ingredients were continuously provided by Société Budapest, so they could make the competing dishes hundreds of times. Of course, all points of the Bocuse d'Or competition rules were strictly adhered to as they are crucial in scoring.

The organizers put a little twist in the preparation process, as the meat theme was originally based on venison, but this was changed at some point of the preparation period. Although by this time Zsolt Haraszti and Patrik Kocsis were completely finished with the concept, still, it did not cause any difficulty in their preparation, what more, this unexpected turn gave a new impetus. The reason for the change was that quail will be the meat theme at the European final in Tallinn, and this is why the Hungarian Bocuse d'Or Academy wanted to support the preparation of the future winner. Finally, both the "fish theme" and the "meat theme" - in which the quail played a leading role - were perfectly prepared and ready for the Hungarian finals.

The Société Budapest team cheered as one person at the competition to support Zsolt and Patrik, who did great in the competition.

Building on fresh experiences, Zsolt Haraszti would like to provide the public with an opportunity to try the two competition dishes at a special dinner on the 27th of February, which will be complemented by a range of matching dishes and drinks to create an unforgettable experience. During the evening, Zsolt Haraszti introduces the guests to the backstage of the preparation process, talking about his experiences and what this competition meant to them.

Société Bistro has joined the Plant a Tree cocktail project

Did you know that you can contribute to a noble cause even with a cocktail?

Did you know that you can contribute to a noble cause even with a cocktail?  Société Bistro & Bar is proud to join the Plant a Tree Cocktail project: when you order this cocktail at our restaurant or bar, you get something quite beautiful besides a fusion of refreshing gin tonic and matcha tea: a sapling planted on your behalf.

And how is the process going? When ordering, you will receive an iPhone where you are asked to provide your name and e-mail address. This is where the confirmation letter will arrive, notifying that now you own a tree. A little later - depending on when your tree can be planted - you will receive another email with a photo of the sapling, and your name tag on it. You can also visit the forest near Nyíradony, and find your own tree. Every little step counts and we are happy to support this great initiative.

Société Book Club with Iván Vitáris

Jack Kerouac’s novel, On the Road is a bible of the beat generation, so there was no question that we should invite Iván Vitáris for a discussion about this book.

Jack Kerouac's novel, On the Road is a bible of the beat generation, so there was no question that we should invite Iván Vitáris for a discussion about this book.

Even though he liked to read when he was a teenager, the school rules discouraged him from reading, as he was losing the essence of reading so he could be free and associate freely with any of the stories. On the Road was an important early read of Ivan, at the times when he started to dream about becoming a rockstar. Since those early years, his dream came true and this novel remained an important experience for the frontman.

Kerouac wrote the novel on a single roll of paper in three weeks, which he later said was dictated to him by the Holy Spirit. According to Ivan, making music and lyrics is just as intuitive. There is no explanation for them, especially no recipe.

“We spend half our lives on the road. Especially when you play in a band. The road is our home, traveling is our job. You just have to be careful not to forget who you are on the go. And when we get to the top of the mountain, we keep climbing. ”

Société Book Club with Márton Simon

Márton Simon is one of the most well-known and popular figures of the young poet generation. When we asked for a panel discussion where we would talk about an important book or predecessor György Petri was immediately chosen by him, so on 25 February, a poet discussed another poet's oeuvre.

Petri, the permanent outsider figure, is well known to readers, and his cult is evident in the fact that twenty years after his death we recalled the age in which he created and the personality of his poems in a full house event. For literature is definitely a blessing that there are cult writers, but the optics of the cult actually magnify irrelevant things and distract them from the essentials, Márton Simon noted.

Petri's lyre is a lyric of disillusionment; and there is nothing more to prove that the author cannot be taken out of the formula of the poem than that when the eighteen years old Márton first met Petri's poems, he set off from Batthyány Square to Hattyú Street to find Petri's favorite bar.

We read Petri's most important poems together, but did not miss the recommended works of Márton Simon and István Kemény. To the audience's question of which ones are the easiest works to start with from Petri, Márton Simon suggested his love poems and early writings. Another question was whether Petri should be taught in high school, Simon said that even though he is not included in the national curriculum, we already brought him closer to many with this discussion.


Three cocktails to love during the festive season

Surprise your loved ones with a delicious cocktail – here are some recipes from the bartenders of Société Bar

The bartender of Société Bistro & Bar, Réka Horváth, and the bar manager Zsolt Tarjányi have selected three of the Société Signature cocktails to brighten up the holidays.

There is always a smile on Réka Horváth's face. This cheerful love for life was incorporated into his cocktail called "Chupacabra", which is recommended for ladies especially. Mezcal is kind of a mystical drink - it's tequila's rich, strong and wild brother. This power is softened by the spices, vanilla and clove give the drink a festive feel, which is complemented by a fruity note, given by the cherry.



3 cl Mezcal
2 cl Heering Cherry
3 cl lime
2 cl vanilla syrup
3 dash cloves bitter
topped with smoked maldon salt and vanilla

Zsolt Tarjányi created a really cool cocktail called "This is America" with smoky, slightly salty, strong flavors. The sweet taste of the bourbon is balanced by the saltiness of the bacon jam, the figs smuggle a little fruity into the drink, while Peychaud's bitter anise notes evoke the sultry world of New Orleans. This cocktail will chase away the cold days for sure.


4 cl Bourbon
2 bk bacon jam
6 cl of fig puree
3 cl agave syrup
2 cl lime
2 dash Peychauds bitter



Réka and Zsolt common creation "Red Monkey," which evokes scents and flavors of mulled wine thanks to the gingerbread and red wine, but the added whiskey makes it remain a serious cocktail, which can be a great favorite for winter nights.


3 cl Monkey Shoulder
3 cl Cabernet Sauvignon
1 cl lime
2 cl Gingerbread syrup

Guys in the kitchen

Well, this dream is not that unattainable. All you have to do is visit 15 Sas Street, where chef Norbert Krasznai and several other men are working every day to create seasonal dishes. Besides Norbert Krasznai, Zsolt Haraszti, sous chef also loves to cook. This enthusiasm is not without results, as Zsolt Haraszti has already proven in the qualifiers of the Hungarian Bocuse d'Or Academy, and in February we can support him at the Hungarian finals of the most prestigious chef competition.



But making a really good drink is also a form of art. Zsolt Tarjányi, bar manager's creed is to make intelligible cocktails, so he creates Société's signatures starting off from a known basis with a small twist. This passion is shared by his colleagues, for example, Máté Tüdős who will soon compete at the Bacardí Legacy Cocktail Competition.

Looks like it worth passing on the apron sometimes


Eredeti cikk:

A place where culture and gastronomy meets

Just a few steps from the Basilica, Société Budapest is a special place. It is a cultural hub that has launched or hosted numerous events in its first year since the opening.

We at Société Budapest believe in the value of reading, this is why we started off our monthly book club, where we pick a book every month to read it with our audience and discuss it at the end of the month. The Société Book Clubs continue from January and we invite you to join our journey in literature.

Elle x Société Talks is a program series co-hosted with Elle Magazine and is scheduled for the release day of the popular monthly magazine. Each event builds up around an actual social issue - we invite well-known public figures to share their opinion and personal experiences on the given topic. It's an interactive event where the audience also has the opportunity - and we encourage them to do so - to ask questions from the invited guests.

The fans of contemporary art will also find programs in Société, as we frequently organize exhibitions of talented artists' paintings, photographs, sculptures and conceptual works.


For the lovers of excellent gastronomy, we would like to introduce Société Bistro, which represents Central European cuisine, spiced with Far Eastern influences, resulting in a sophisticated but easy-to-absorb taste harmony, based on local and seasonal ingredients. Our chef, Norbert Krasznai’s creations guarantee a delightful and unforgettable taste experience. We offer our guests two types of menus: à la carte for dinner, and a weekly changing lunch menu. If you would like to try the best dishes in the restaurant, you may want to order our tasting menu, which is a selection of the restaurant's top 5 dishes by the restaurant team. The tasting menu is available on its own, and also in a completed version with a wine-or cocktail line-up for the full experience.


You can choose from a wine list of more than 120 items to accompany your lunch or dinner. Feel free to ask Zsuzsanna Kiss sommelier’s recommendation, who will help you find the wine that best fits your mood and meal.

You can choose from a wine list of more than 120 items to accompany your lunch or dinner. Feel free to ask Zsuzsanna Kiss sommelier’s recommendation, who will help you find the wine that best fits your mood and meal.

If you are looking for a convenient, easy-to-reach venue for your corporate event, you should go no further. Société Budapest offers a variety of venues in a beautiful and sophisticated environment, from conference rooms, beautifully designed atrium and lounges which are offering intimacy to a hidden bar to fulfill almost any idea.

Surprise your guest with these sweets

Christmas dessert ideas from the Société Bistro’s pastry chef

During the Christmas period, human relationships become more important. At this time, the family gathers and relatives, friends who have not been seen for a long time are welcomed. If you have no idea what kind of desserts to make, here is a quick help! Zsanett Barna, a confectioner of Société Bistro & Bar, presents desserts that are not only delicious and spectacular but can be easily prepared at home.


30 g cocoa powder 100 g sugar 30 ml oil 1 egg half bar vanilla 65 g flour 0.5 teaspoon baking powder 50 g chocolate 40 g hazelnuts 50 g powdered sugar


While stirring constantly, add the eggs one at a time to the cocoa powder-crystallized sugar dough, then scrape half the vanilla bar and mix into the dough.
Mix the flour, baking powder and pinch of salt in a bowl and add to the mass as spoonfuls, sprinkling with hazelnuts and coarse chocolate. Cover and let it rest for 4 hours in the refrigerator. Form balls from the mass and roll it into powdered sugar.
Bake it in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 10 minutes.


Leaven: 12 g instant yeast 80 ml milk 70 g flour 10 g crystal sugar
Dough: 280 g butter 220 g flour 150 g pastry flour 4 eggs 1.5 teaspoons salt 130 g crystal sugar 1 teaspoon almond flavor 160 g candied orange peel 170 g raisin
Decoration: sliced almond powdered sugar

Mix the yeast in warm milk. Sprinkle with sugar and flour, cover with foil and leave for 1 hour. When the leaven is ready, pour it into the kneader's pan and add the flour, pastry flour, sugar, eggs, flavor and salt. Knead the dough at medium speed for 5 minutes. Add the room temperature butter little by little to the dough and wait until the machine has completely processed the dough.
In the end, raisins and candied oranges are added - if you don't like it, you can add chocolate or other dried fruit to your liking. The dough is rolled out onto the work surface, shaped into a ball and placed in an oiled bowl, wrapped and placed in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, oil a 15cm wide and 15cm tall panettone mold and place the dough in it, and leave it in a warm place for 6-8 hours. The dough swells slowly, it needs 1-2 hours. Sprinkle with sliced almonds and finally bake in a preheated oven at 160-165 ° C for 60 minutes without air stirring. Leave it in the mold until it has cooled down completely, then carefully lift it out of the mold by pressing it from below.



Dough: 1.25 dl milk 1.5 dkg fresh yeast 5 dkg sugar 4 dkg butter 1 pinch salt 1 egg 27 dkg flour
Filling: 4 dkg soft butter 10 dg brown sugar 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
Glaze: 4 dkg butter 10 dkg powdered sugar 5 dkg cream cheese

The ingredients of the dough, except the butter, are put into the pan of the kneading machine. The melted butter is added in several parts to the kneaded dough, always waiting for the former to be incorporated into the dough. After kneading, place the covered dough in a large saucepan and let it rest for a while.
Carefully knead the dough and form a 55x40cm shape from it. Spread some butter on it, sprinkle it with cinnamon sugar. Starting on the longer side, roll it tightly and slice it with a sharp knife to 2cm. Put the rolls on a baking sheet, let them rest for 30 minutes, then preheat the oven
Bake at 180 ° C for 12 to 15 minutes. Until it's in the oven, let's make the glaze. Mix the butter and sugar until both are smooth, then mix it with the cream cheese. Open the oven and pour one tablespoon on each roll and let it melt. Finally sprinkle them with roasted, caramelized almonds.

Original artice: Nők Lapja TÉL